Tuesday 26 May 2015

That was Hanmer! Part Duex!

AO: LANGUAGE FEATURES-Use a range of language features appropriately, showing an increasing understanding of their effects.

INDICATORS-uses a range of oral, written, and visual features to create meaning and effect and to sustain interest

Vignette (pronounced vin yet) is a brief description, account or episode. Flash fiction is fiction with as little as 300 words and up to say 1000 and may have a protagonist, conflict, obstacles and complication (a short, short story in other words)

We are going to record a moment from camp (or from some other significant time) as a 'Vignette' or 'Flash Fiction'. 

We are going to tap into our experiences, find importance in them and then bring them alive using specific detail (showing not telling again!)

Click here for the 'Bare Bones' of a story.

Now read Beans by Patrica Grace

What has the author done to make it an effective piece of writing?

  1. How has she made it sound like a child talking?
  2. How does she make it seem as if she is talking to you directly? (a sense of audience)
  3. Which part stays with you? Why?
  4. Do you get a picture of the character and the scene?
  5. What do we know about the boy?
  6. What tells us how he is feeling?
  7. What senses does the writer include?
Compare the "I play hard" from the 'bare bones' to the paragraph about 'playing hard'. Why is it more effective? Which part do you think you could rewrite and make your own?

Thinking about your 'That was Hanmer' poems; what is one memory you'd like to share. One thing you experienced that NEEDS to be said?

What would your listing sentence look like?

Visualise? Zero Draft?


(yet to be added)

How will we know that we have been successful? What will our success criteria be?

Useful Links

Here is Marz's writing from last year...check it out!

Sunday 24 May 2015

That was Hanmer

THAT WAS SUMMER by Marci Ridlon has a very easy frame to use. When we began to look at it deeper we noticed:
  • Starts with a question
  • Has a list of things that don't have to be related
  • After the question in each stanza there are four actions or things happening within the question
  • Senses are used near the end of each stanza
  • Stanzas 1-3 finish with that was summer (repetition)
  • Stanzas 2 & 3 begin with remember the time..?
  • Stanza 4 begins with If you try really hard can you remember...

Begin first with a ZERO DRAFT. This is where only basic keys words are listed. Use a writers palette and add your key words there.


Saturday 16 May 2015

DRAFT- 'A'=adding connectors

During our Writers WORDshop time we have begun to look at the deliberate acts writers make when editing or revising.

We use the mnemonic DRAFT. (see right & in resources)

Today we look at A Adding Connectors

We can use either CONNECTOR WORDS or PUNCTUATION to show relationships BETWEEN or AMONG words. 

These types of connector words are:

  • prepositions
  • conjunctions (Both flavours!Subordinating & Coordinating!
  • relative pronouns
...and then there is

  • Connector Punctuation


Our Examples


Now we turn our attention to these little critters...

Our Preposition Examples
